Sunday, August 26, 2007

My New Wheels!!

Yes folks-I'm 26 and I have a brand new car!!! I would never have thought this could happen to me-I feel very fortunate considering my Mom finally got her first brand new car when I was finishing college! Have times and the economy changed that much? It's an exponential jump-but I'm not complaining. Haven't named her yet-need to put a few more adventures on her before I can. She's purty and I love her!!! More pics of her to come!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mr. Cash says it as it is-"I'm going to Jackson"

Oh my, I can't remember the last time I did a scope out mission for a new location of residence, but here you have it-Jackson, WY is where it's at for me. I can't believe it took me so long to find this town. It's everything I wanted, needed, and more. I can't believe I absorbed all that crap that everyone has been feeding me about it being overrated!! I took Howie for illusional protection, and entertainment! We headed out on Saturday morning and hit Jackson to get some lunch at Sweetwater To Go with a newspaper to picnic in the park. After that we headed into Teton National Park towards Moran. Hiked up to look at some climbing walls, talked to some girls that were climbing, then took the back way to Teton Village. Howie and I walked around the Village and did some resume stuff! We ran into town again and I grabbed a few rolls of sushi and sake, walked around town, grabbed some beers and headed to camp. I set up tent during a small hurricane! It settled, I drank my beer and read my book, while Howie chewed his stick. Then I grabbed my beer and Howie and I walked around to catch the sunset. Headed to bed in the tent and fell asleep with Howie snuggled up to me with my head lamp on and reading my book! That tent is amazing with just one person! I don't know how Sky, Howie and I survived living in that tent for a week while scoping MT, and then another week after we moved to MT while looking for a place to live! I woke up and realized that I missed the sunrise, so there was really no reason to get up so Howie and I slept in until 9:30 am! We got up and ran into town to do the Internet resume thing, then dropped some resumes off, and drove around to say a "fake" farewell to Jackson (since I'm coming back!) and took off. We headed up the Teton Pass. On the way, I saw a trail head and thought a good hike to wear Howie and myself out before heading back would be sweet. So we headed up to ski lake trail. At the top after my last photo-we heard a huge strike of thunder followed by some rain which let me know that it was time to go! We jogged the way down and drove home!! Just getting half way home, I could feel the heavy load on my shoulders grow. While in Jackson, I didn't have a care in the world-a constant smile! But as soon as I got past Ashton I felt instantly depressed and constantly thinking about what was inedibly in Big Sky for me to deal with, how to get out etc etc etc. The burdening thoughts just kept piling up until I had to regroup before I had an anxiety attack! AHHHH! I don't know what to do! Stupid to say, because I know what I want to do-getting there has a million options! Only time will tell.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Horoscope today

Just wanted to thank my mom for her canadian horoscope-I posted it on my facebook account!!!

But this is what it had to say today:
"You may attempt to put your feelings back inside the container from which they have escaped. Even if you begin to get things under control, something happens and the feelings get out once again. Perhaps you needn't struggle about hiding your emotions. Instead, accept them as messages from your subconscious mind while remembering that you don't have to act on them."

God-there good sometimes-even if is extremely general-damn right on the money!