Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lived in Bozeman for a night!

We had some errands in town, so we stayed and hung with JD's brother, got up early and caught the smoky sunrise.

Last bit of Jackson Trip

~Good Morning-we lived lakeside that night-living like a millionaire!~
Last day-hiking Phelps Lake before we head back to dreary ole Big Sky

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Go to Jackson to Climb-Walk away with a Job!!


First Morning up around Moran

Blacktail Butte Wall
Jackson Lake
Jan came to camp with us for a night and climb our little WY hearts out before riding his motorcycle down to see his mom in Park City then head back to Big SkySignal Mtn Lodge drinking Margaritas after Blacktail Butte WallRodeo Wall-Sunday Morn with JanShield Wall-Sunday Afternoon-just JD and I
Driving to CampSunset from our camp that night


So JD and I went to Jackson for a mini vacation and of course another scope trip. I had a few interviews to push through, then climb climb climb some rock rock rock. Didn't expect too much from the job front-I wasn't worried this time around-I knew I would walk away with a job. What I didn't anticipate was that I would walk away with some amazing offers, having to weigh my options and pick one. As well as being offered one of the most amazing opportunities that just seemed to fall into my lap. Before we left Big Sky, I had emailed my resume to some restaurants to grab a quick waitress job to make rent until I found the real deal, but I guess one restaurant in particular saw something more than just your average "can I take your order-girl" in me! I sat down to breakfast with the owner on Saturday morning not knowing what to expect and also not too interested. But then she offered me the FOH Mgr/HR/Event Coordinator position for the Cadillac Grille. Ummm-exqueeze me!!!! Did I just hear you offer-my dream job? Yah. So I slept on it until Monday before I had breakfast with the other owners to discuss details and thought about...well everything in my life past and present-decisions I have made in the past, directions I could have taken and what was in front of me now! It became a no brainer-wow I must be growing up-because I feel like I have had amazing opportunities slap me in the face before and I had always taken the "ski bum" route and picked the easier option B with less responsibility and more play time. Don't know how or when it happened-but this option didn't seem like much of a sacrifice-its what I want to do, makes me happy and I will still get to play from time to time-oh yeah and I will make some major buck while I'm at it! Have my priorities changed or did I just become an adult? Ok, I may be an adult-but I refuse to ever grow up!

Fullmoon Climbing

JD had the great idea of climbing under the fool moon, so we tried to conjure up as many folks that were as crazy as us for the adventure...but everyone thought we were too radical for Big Sky-except for Jan (the human climbing spider monkey)! We headed for good ole red cliff and thought that the short 5.7/5.8 wall would be smart to start with since we hadn't climbed in the dark. We each lead the wall and messed around-obviously wanting more! Mmmmm, to the left the next wall is -our fav 5.10 "overhang". Yup-The boys got stoked on who was going to lead it and "giddy like a school boy" JD won it over. Not too many pics of the lead climb-since I didn't want to blind the climber with the flash. I will add a few more pics when I get the chance.