Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caroline's 6th 24th Bday!!!!!

Ha ha, Caroline doesn't want to disclose her 30 something age...so we decided to celebrate her "24th". The girls went to Dornan's just outa town to sit on the deck and view the Tetons. Kate, Jenny and I had serious plans to go climbing after a celebratory coctail...but a few bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne later it didn't look promising! Oh and a friend came up with a tray of patron shots (iceing on the blurry cake). Furthermore, we decided it would be Fabulous if we went out for wine and desserts. These pictures speak for themselves-or don't speak at all, but just show what happens when girls get too much vitamin D, wine and flowers!

Boldering in the Park

We headed out to Jenny Lake to get some afternoon bolders! On our way back to town we spotted a Grizzly!

Addicted to Rock! If that's wrong I don't wanna be Right!

Just a few shots from Rodeo and the Shield

Monday, June 23, 2008

Afternoon of WY Girl Talk!

Tera, Jenny and I headed to the Shield for a sunset on rock! Then grabbed some beers with our other fav chica, Lizzy, who now bartends at Camp Creek (between the shield and town).

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hiking the King in the Spring

Here is a shot of the Pass from the king

My house is the white house with the huge yard

Pika and I have been hiking the King, it has been great to wear her out and to get her socialized...oh yeah and Pika loves snow-whew thank god-if she didn't I would so give her back!!! Just kiddin, I love my little rodent!

Friday the 13th...yeah that's right-it's June!

Ladies afternoon of hiking the pass! As we're hiking I get a call from Adrienne, saying goodbye as she goes to work in WA until August. But as we're waiting for a ride back to the car...a truck pulls over and Adrienne hops out!! Yeah, I got to say goodbye and got a ride back to the car!! The pass was hot, but still good snow...IT'S JUNE!! Lucille, Caroline and I had a blast.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mary (Gramma) Brewer

Farewell to my gramma! She will be very missed. Being the only granddaughter on my mom's side of the family-my gramma and I had a special bond, and for the first time-I am upset and guilty that I live so far away from my family.

I loved that she always had brownies when I got to her house, that her house always ticked from all the clocks, and my grampa was usually working on a jigsaw puzzle. She was a very strong lady to have hid all the pain she was feeling for so long. She was taken by Cancer. Love to all my family on the Cape-I wish I could be there to hug, to remember, to laugh, and to cry together.

Elliot's Bday and Welcome Party

Yeah, finally he is here-Corinne's boy, who has been in Europe foreva has finally arrived to sweep her off her feet and go travel the world together. But first, we had a party for him.