Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Farm

I guess it's officially a Farm now! We got chickens today. 5 hens, soon to be named after historical political people (we thought that would be a funny motif)!
The veggie beds are only 2 of 8, plus 3 gardens that border the house that are veggie and medicinal herbs and other perennials. I have my hands full! I try to cook with what we grow, we have lots of apple trees that surround the property, and a friend that owns Mark West Vineyard gave us this huge old wine press (I will get pics of it, it's classic) we made apple cider! So delicious! We've been jarring it in old juice jugs for now. I'm learning how to save seeds from all the plants as well as learning how to can, and dehydrate! I can't believe how fun and rewarding this is!!! Living off the land...what a brilliant idea! I've been non-stop baking, and starting to write articles about my gardening experience for the company. I love this climate, I didn't know how to explain it other than "perfect"...but someone told me today that this place is the "land that's always Spring". YES, that's what it is, it's Spring all year round! the bottom pics are of the girls being VERY curious about the chickens! I will do a post of the outlay of garden and chicken coop! Max made the coop from scratch-its beautiful!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Family Photo

The Old Redwood Grove is our evening walk about for the doggies! It's right near the house and its sooooo cool~