Thursday, June 11, 2009

MOAB Begins and Ends the Off Season Blues!

here is the end of the trip, I was tanner, stronger and dirty!!

Uncle Traverse

Tan, tired, and tainted with moab dirt!
My home for a week!
Traverse and Scott (some guys from the Hole) met up with us

The rock I would run to and do yoga on in the morns!

The four of us rad chicks. Jen and I met two girls traveling solo-we climbed, cooked and spent the whole week having adventures!

On one of our rest days we headed up to a lake, who knew there was a cold spring with snow in the desert!

Pika looks like a Japanese Geisha!!

Aunt Dani, with Roma and her baby girl!

Loretta, Meghan's dog

An evening after dinner stroll with wine and our girls

LISA leading a 5.11 crack (finger in a light socket)




Jen and I headed to UT with the pups for some desert camping and climbing! We met some really rad girls and climbed crack for a week. Living out in the desert, camping with no cell service or any anemity for miles was AMAZING! I never took a shower for a week, I either got really tan or it was half filth!

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