Saturday, March 31, 2007

13 Inches in 24 Hours-My kind of Ratio!

It feels good to be back on the Fish again!Cynthia and JD-Three Forks Ridge HikeJD's approach to direct Three Forks
Cynthia coming down direct Three Forks

Three Forks

Sunday, March 25, 2007

One more of my favs

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A Couple of shots I wanted to add

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Ode to Johnny

The boys of the house (John, JD and Brian)
Johnny makin pizza pies

JD trying to get his card gamin on!
JD and Johnny-two peas in a podBrian and Kyle The Diz himself

A night of card games and beer at JD, Johnny and Brian's! Johnny made some delish' homemade pizza for us. Johnny has a way of always making you feel better-I hope I'm graced with his presence foreva! Cheers to my boys-Thank you.

North Summit Snow Field with My Boys

Yeah, this was so much fun, watchin my boys make some sweet turns. First time of the season to wear a beacon and carry my probe and's about time! Anyway, top shot of JD, and a back shot of Johnny. Since we haven't had snow fall in weeks and 50 degree sunny weather, you wouldn't think that back country would be any fun; but sometimes I like being proven wrong! Life is good when it's you and a mountain...discussin life's directions!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Ahhhh (Sigh)!!

Yup, it's snowing...I feel better now! This is just a post to let you know that I have some sweet pictures I will be putting up later. And thanks to Mullet for the awesome text message I got this morning-kept me laughing all the way to my car-"If you want to smear mud on your ass, smear mud on your ass...just don't lie about it"-Wet Hot American Summer!!! Thanks, buddy.

Have a great white day-Cheers!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I go to bed Weak, and I wake up Strong

I just woke up this morning after a rough end to the day. I feel good-a new beginning...we will see!

"Alles Sal Recht Komen" -Paul deRuyter

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My Love...I miss you so!

OK-it hit me. I feel like I can't even go see him-for it will hurt too much. My child, I miss him. The way he would snuggle in bed. He would slowly make his way up in any nook he could thinking he was all stealth when I knew what he was doing! He would incubate me to the point I had to pull the covers off or push him over...until he would make his way back to the nook! My little sneaky boy-Missing you isn't a strong enough phrase for what I feel.

Rock the Boat, Baby!

I thought this was appropriate for my frame of mind! Even the best swimmers of life need some dry time once in a while. It looks as though "I" have come ashore, but that couldn't be farther than the truth. I feel farther out at sea than ever...and it seems to be a good spot for now!

"Things are a little different out here...maybe I should have just stayed home". -MTV The STATE

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Colors of My Life

Another day, another word. I haven't taken my camera out in awhile, but plan on it soon. It is Time. But here are a few pics I took while driving up to work one morning. Can you guess which are natural and which are transformed? Can you trust anything but yourself sometimes? One of my downfalls is my (I wouldn't say gullible but..) maybe naiveness to want to trust what I hear from what I know as a reliable source. But I can't run to conclusions...I can't run to anything! It may not seem like it but I am getting stronger everyday. I'm not feeling as strong as I did back in the day, but I'm working on it-OK. I have good days and bad, good pictures and bad...some even, Great-and those are the ones I will never forget.


Friday, March 16, 2007

When the cookie crumbles-get a spoon!

The view from my office! This is all I need. After moving to Vermont living slope side, falling in love with being that high-that close to something so vast; I vowed to myself that that's the setting I would surround myself with for the rest of my life! So, what happened?! I tortured myself (in a good way) and moved to Seattle! Hell, I wouldn't be who I am now if I hadn't tried something new!! I'm just reflecting on my life from when I was on my own last-how I felt then, how I feel now. I don't want to sound like a tree hugger; but just connecting with how my (just mine) soul feels. I took a hike yesterday-same ole hike I've hiked dozens of times, but for some reason it felt different. I haven't gained any powers or anything...but I appreciated all the sounds more so than I have before! The river was rushing over rocks, the snow crunching. Just being in silence and hearing myself breath.

I read this book that my father gave me a long time back, about a man on a journey. This man told his father he was confused, so his father sent him on a voyage that had no expiration or route; his father only gave him the first bearings. He traveled all around Tibet looking for something, meeting people, talking-experiencing, staying in one place for as long as needed; contemplating/discussing/asking questions about his uncertainty in life. He didn't know what he was looking for but every soul he encountered directed him to his next destination until he found it...Himself! At the end of the book-I was like-"that's it?!". He travels for years, decades-just to find out that what he was looking for was himself!! I get it now. Not sure where I have misplaced that book, I would love to read it again. But I guess I don't need it...I'm writing my own!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to my World

So, I'm at a new chapter in my life! Shit hits the fan, you accept it and either clean it up or walk away. What did I do? Which side are you looking at to build that presumption? I think I did both. I knew what didn't work for me and had to walk away while cleaning up the mess! I can tell everyone here what really happened, tell the details blah blah blah; but I prefer keeps the mind guessing. And isn't that what our minds need to feel on a daily basis to keep growing, learning and FEELING? Live life-you got one, yeah it sucks sometimes...but I think that just brings us to the sweeter side! So here I am! Me. I have let go of almost everything in my direct lifestyle for something that I felt in my gut. I have given up my most prized Howie. I am numb to it now and I'm sayin it, because I know it will really kick in and hurt later. I know I have effected him in how I felt and what I did, and to Howie-I'm sorry buddy, I love you...and you're gonna be OK! Hope ya'll enjoy this site-and of course don't be shy to tell me what you think.