Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Taking off by the Tetons

Rubbing my eyes, squinting, throwing my sunglasses on-I walk towards the stairs to the plane...sleep is a must. But as the plane takes off, and I see the aerial of the Tetons and neighboring peaks I can't help but stare. The sunrise is setting off a glow on the remaining snow, within all that beauty I envision routes I would take if I was standing on the tops of the peaks. Ugh-exhaustion, but I can always stir up some energy for imagining more days out on my board! I wake up, and have no idea how long we have been in the air, I look outside and still see snow capped peaks surrounded by river runoffs, I search for more lines within the scattered constrictions and drop back into a comatose sleep.
Salt Lake City-Last time I was there, I was driving back from Moab covered in a red filmy dirt! Onto Cincinnati-back to flat land-Bummer-destination-CAPE COD (or I should annuciate the proper MassHole way-CAAPE CAUWD)

Sobering at 30,000 feet is a new experience, but I am happy that I skipped a nights sleep. Had fun trying to stay up all night, video games, beers and good friends to help the cause. Sara and I saw the sun coming up, grabbed out packs and headed out of town.

My last flight was enlightening! I slammed a beer prior to boarding, sat down and started reading before the unavoidable pass out! As I read and the plane starts rattling down the runway, I happened to see in the corner of my eye a woman across the aisle from me clenching the arm rests, definitely in distress. I couldn't help but wonder-Does she really have something to live for or is this the most exciting thing she has done? I apologize for stereotyping, but the lack of sleep was conjuring up opinions! I could probably assume that this woman had never been camping, hiking, base jumping!!! Judgy wudgy was a bear! Yes I did just judge, but this woman in her late 20's was whining, moaning and tapping her 3" stilettos like she was counting down to combustion. I also noticed that there were many people on our plane that knew her but apparently chose not to sit with her.

Back to my enlightened moment, maybe it was the beer or the desire to sleep; but I thought about it..if the plane was gonna go down, I honestly felt OK with that-"take'er down" I would still die happy. I know that sounds wrong, but the positive side that I want to emphasize is that I feel pretty damn complete. BUT (yes a capital But) I have only just begun folks, as my Dad told me, I'm at the point in my life where the rubber on the tires is just getting warmed up with enough grip to tear through future adventures! Oh Yeah!

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